Having a command over a language definitely aids in expressing oneself in a better way, but that is only a small piece of the big puzzle and not the whole puzzle itself.
On Mother’s Day 2021, Team She Talks spoke with the co-founders of X "Xtraview" - Katherine Ernst Mehta and Kavitta B Bedi. Both mompreneurs shared valuable insights into how to juggle work and home, while bringing your ideas to life, chasing your dreams and making them come alive.
Guess what, looking great and professional on video calls might seem a complex task, but it isn't. We get confused because we don't understand how the rules of makeup change with a camera vs. in real life.
With Instagram and Facebook feeds buzzing with amazing Mom bloggers sharing their expert tips and milestones, while enjoying and earning along with their motherhood, many amongst us want to become a mom blogger; however, don’t know where to begin.
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